Are you creating to your full potential?
Creative Coaching
Help me understand where you are on your creative journey so that I can best assist you. With this little questionnaire, I will have a much better understanding of where you are at on your journey and what guidance you are seeking.
Take the journey with me
The creative journey is one that is unique to each of us. But there are common pitfalls that we ultimately all have to contend with. My role as a mentor is to guide, nurture and encourage. Creating is truly a gift and too many artists give up too soon simply because they were never given the tools to succeed or were unaware of what was standing in their way.
My creative coaching is design to help you navigate through some of the rough patches and to unleash your full creative potential. Learn how to tap into your inner potentiality and to give yourself permission to create what’s within. Master how to silence the chatter that comes from the analytical mind and become “the observer” in order to see yourself more clearly. If any of this resonates with you, I invite you to begin with filling out the form below. These questions will help me understand where you are in your journey and what you wish to get out of these sessions. Or if you prefer, you may begin with an email to introduce yourself.
Energy healing, why is this important?
I am a firm believer in treating creativity as a whole symbiosis between mind, spirit and body. As a creative, as a human, we must learn how to honor all three to find balance and thrive. To that end, I am offering Reiki in conjunction with my creative coaching. Reiki is the art form of energy healing and can not only alleviate certain ailments, it can truly open up blocked energies that could be withholding you from realizing your full potential. Each of us holds on to so much that it can, at times, cripple us on our journey to greatness.